Friday, 7 November 2014

Ebiox's Natural Esense Meets the Needs of "Dry Scrubbing" for Surgical Procedures

For many years the routine protocol for the surgical team scrubbing up for a surgical procedure has been to “wet scrub” i.e. using an anti-microbial hand wash such as Chlorhexidine or povidine iodine in conjunction with water and scrubbing brush. Initially the use of a scrubbing brush was reduced to just nails and not skin, timescales for the length of the procedure were reduced and advice not to use povidine iodine based solutions. The whole aim was to reduce the damage to the skin integrity and reduce the amount of skin flora released with studies showing if this can be achieved then there is a reduction in cross infection.

However in the past few years further changes have been made in some countries as water and hand wash are one of the major causes of Irritant Contact Dermatities (ICD) which has an impact on those  who suffer and again the risk of increased cross infection. The next step in the evolution of preparing for a surgical procedure was to then introduce “dry scrubbing” that is not using water in the procedure but just a hand rub and yes Alcohol Based Hand Rubs led the way.

Further efficacy testing is required, EN12791 so that you can make a claim on a product being used as a surgical hand rub. The issues which we know well with the use ABHR’s are increased as the contact time with most brands is three minutes, so many applications and this needs to be not just hands but up to the elbows.

Hospitals now adopt a practice of “wet scrubbing” at the start of the surgical list and then “dry scrubbing” between cases. “dry scrubbing” is also of benefit where interventional procedures are carried out and no wet scrubbing facilities are available.

The product we offer for ‘dry scrubbing” is Natural Esense. A product based on all composition of totally natural ingredients, it offers a much kinder solution to the user with an excellent portfolio of efficacy testing.

For more information please contact or visit our website

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