Monday, 16 May 2011

Alcohol v Non Alcohol Hand Sanitiser some key points

The efficacy of alcohol-free hand sanitizers is heavily dependent on their ingredients and formulation . In the past, alcohol-free hand sanitisers tended to significantly under-perform alcohol or alcohol rubs as germ killers in clinical studies using standard protocols such as EN1500.
More recently, advanced formulations have been developed, some of which have been shown to out-perform alcohol. A further aspect of efficacy sometimes overlooked is the effect of repeated use.
The efficacy of alcohol as a hand disinfectant has been shown to decrease after repeated use, probably due to progressive adverse skin reactions, whereas the efficacy of an alcohol-free hand sanitiser based on Benzalkonium Chloride as its active active ingredient has been shown to increase with repeated use.
In a recent study, the effectiveness of alcohol was shown to decrease after repeated use. The study demonstrated that, unlike Benzalkonium Chloride, alcohol does not have persistent or cumulative antimicrobial activity after application.
Purell has been shown to fail to meet the FDA 21 CFR 333.470 performance standards for health-care personnel antiseptic hand washes not just as a consequence of the decrease in effectiveness with repeated use, but due to a lack of persistence in antimicrobial activity after application and the decrease in effectiveness with heavy soil loads.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Use of Ultra P in Dentistry: no blood, sweat or tears!

Any kind of periodontal treatment will affect the gum’s rich blood supply and the result can be profuse bleeding. Of course, every trace of blood must be removed from dental instruments to reduce the risk of cross infection. The unique blend of powdered polymer, cationic surfactants and inorganic salts has been formulated to ensure that Ultra P decontaminant removes 99.9% of organic soiling, so you can enjoy the peace of mind of totally effective cleaning - and so can your patients!
Ultra P instrument cleaner removes all traces of pathogens; the super concentrated quick dissolving formulation cleans at molecular level, removing  all potentially harmful residues from dental instruments and delicate devices. And, Ultra P is also gentle enough to clean heat sensitive instruments. 
Requiring only a 10 minute contact time, this is a very fast acting product that has a superb clinical pedigree.
For more detailed information about Ultra P and other products in the Ebiox product portfolio, go to or email